Melissa Bilyeu
It is the duty of the Treasurer to be the custodian of all revenues paid to the county. In all cases of claims allowed against the county and in all cases of grants, salaries, pay and expenses allowed by law, the check becomes a negotiable check or draft after it has been signed by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer’s office effectively manages the county budget of 12 million and disbursed 16 million to 13 school districts, 9 fire departments, 6 special roads districts, Ozarks Technical Community College, Christian County Board for the Developmentally Disabled, Christian County Library and Senior Citizens Service Fund.
Along with signing checks for our accounts payable and payroll departments, we disburse property taxes, surtax, financial institution tax and interest, year end interest, natural forest and mineral revenues, capital school, railroad and utility taxes, school average, victim restitution, bad checks claims and tax surplus.
The office also holds the unclaimed funds for the county. Please contact us if you have a check that has been lost or is out of date. We will be happy to work with you in order to get a replacement check.
Our office is happy to say that we have received a clean opinion on our financial statements since I have been in office.
We are here to serve you in any way that we can be of assistance.