On January 1, 2015 Christian County became a first class county without a charter form of government. The governing body of Christian County is the County Commission. The Commission consists of a Presiding Commissioner, a Western Commissioner and an Eastern Commissioner.
As the County’s elected governing body; the Board of County Commissioners directs the general administration of County Government. The Commission sets broad operating policies, enacts ordinances and establishes budgets as mandated by State law. The County enters into contracts with other public agencies to ensure the smooth flow of services including law enforcement, construction and maintenance of public roads, bridges and the operations of county offices, equipment and services.
Christian County continues to emphasize the importance of addressing its infrastructure needs while also looking for ways to improve economic development.
County Commissioners assure management of assets in keeping with best practices, while preserving the existing tax base. The County Commissioners goals are to position the County for the future through good financial stewardship.
One of the ways we seek to accomplish these goals is by improving the County’s roadway infrastructure system. This would encompass improvements to primary and secondary vehicular passageways, bridges, safety, and other street and/or highway related projects.
The Commission also continuously works to improve the County’s public buildings by providing adequate maintenance and repairs. The Commissioners work to preserve and enhance the County’s taxable base.
Commission Meetings
Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings.
We meet each Thursday at 9:00am, with other meeting days as needed. Our agendas are posted 24 hours in advance per RSMo 610. To receive a courtesy copy of the agenda via email, please contact: countycommission@christiancountymo.gov or call 417-582-4300.
SB 190 Applications
The deadline to apply for 2025 Tax Credit is June 15, 2025.