Please follow the link for live Election results. Results will start after 7PM on Election Day.
Register to Vote
The County Clerk is responsible for all voter registration activities in the county. There are more than 55,000 people registered to vote in Christian County. Several locations are designated as permanent voter registration sites, including schools, libraries, OTC, city halls, and the Historic Courthouse (Room 304).
Please be advised that any time a voter moves from STATE to STATE, the voter will need to re-register to vote in their new state of residence.
If a voter is ACTIVE/INACTIVE in another county in Missouri and moves to a new residence located in another county in the state of Missouri, the voter will need to update their registration with their new county, preferably before election day.
The deadline to register to vote prior to any given election is 28 days. Voting in a county or precinct therein that does not represent your current residence on election day is a violation of Missouri statute and is prosecutable by law.
The County Clerk is the election authority for the county and its political subdivisions, and is responsible for conducting all public elections. Regular elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April, August and November. Special elections may also be called in February or June by certain public entities. Two notices displaying sample ballots and polling locations are published in the local newspaper on the two Wednesdays just prior to each election.
Register to Vote in Missouri here
Our office is responsible for
- Administering Election Day and Absentee Voting in all county elections.
- Administering Payroll for county employees.
- Issuing A.T.V. Permits and Auctioneer Licenses for Christian County.
- Keeper of the minutes and public record of the County Commission actions.
- Issuing Notary Commissions
- Issuing County Liquor License
Commission Agendas and Minutes
Sunshine Request Form
Please be advised that all Sunshine requests must be submitted via email to the following address: Requests sent to any other address will not be considered or acknowledged. This is the only official channel through which we will process and respond to Sunshine requests.
- Sunshine Request Form
SB 190 Applications
Renewal applications are required annually. The 2025 renewal applications will be mailed to approved homeowners on February 1. The Collector’s office will accept renewal applications until June 15, 2025. Failure to renew will end tax credit.
First time applicant can download the application and submit with the proper documents.
Deadline for applying is June 15, 2025.
Liquor License
Please make sure to bring or mail the following to our office
- State Liquor License
- Cash, Check or Credit card (only available in person) for license fee
- County license fees are the same as the State license
Make checks payable to “Christian County Clerk”
Mail to: 100 W. Church St. Room 304. Ozark, MO 65721
A.T.V. Permits
- $ 15.00 cash, check or credit card (only available when used in office and there will be a fee charged to the customer if using a card)
- Need: Make, Model, Year, VIN # Owner’s Name and Address.
- A.T.V. Permits and Auctioneer Licenses are available at the County Clerk’s office.
Notary Public Information
Steps to becoming a Missouri Notary Public
Step 1:
- Read booklet provided by State
- Online Book
Step 2:
- Complete mandatory training required by Secretary of State’s Office
- (Each person completing training will be certified and receive a certification number)
- Test Required!
- Click the link above to be taken to the Missouri Secretary of State’s website, where you can take the required training.
Step 3:
- Send completed application to the State.
- (Application is in the booklet – $25.00 fee to State should be included) (certification number should be on application)
Step 4:
- Obtain an insurance bond.
- (This should be done after a letter is received notifying you of your commission dates)
Step 5:
- Sign the Notary ledger in the Clerk’s office, then pick up your certificate
- (The fee is $6.00)
- It is your responsibility to mail paperwork to the State within 7 days of coming to the Clerk’s office
Step 6:
- Obtain your notary stamp and supplies.
- (The County Clerk’s Office does not sell embossers or notary stamps)
Important Change to Mark Twain National Forest ATV permits
- In prior years these permits could be purchased at Kay’s Country Store in Chadwick.
- Statutes only allow ATV permits to be sold by county or state entities.
- So now, these permits can only be purchased in the Christian County Clerk’s office.
To Obtain a Permit
- Mark Twain National Forest ATV permits are $15.00.
- You can mail a check to the Clerk to receive your permit.
- Send payment with the make, model, year and VIN # along with a contact phone number and the Clerk will mail your permit.