Order #03-05-07-1
By order of the Christian County Commission
Effective Date: 03-15-07
A “Special Event” shall be characterized as a non-routine activity within a community that brings together a large number of people. Emphasis is not placed on the total number of people attending but rather on the community’s ability to respond to a large-scale emergency or disaster or the exceptional demands that the activity places on response services. Examples include but are not limited to the following:
- Any event that the estimated attendance will exceed five hundred (500) persons;
- Any event that will charge an admission fee;
- Any event that alcohol will be onsite;
- Any event that it will be necessary to reroute traffic;
- Any event that insurance requires an EMS standby;
- Any event with a heightened health or safety risk
Exclusions may include the following
- Normal school activities
- City / county municipal events
- Normal church services
- Family reunions
The following is the step-by-step process the applicant must follow in order to obtain a Special Event Permit:
- Applicant must pickup an application at the Christian County Emergency Management Office, Sheriff’s Office, Health Department or County Commission Office.
- Applicant must fill out completely and return with the appropriate attachments.
- The Emergency Management Office will review the application to insure that it is complete and the appropriate information is included.
- The Emergency Management Office will then contact the relevant jurisdictions to inform them that an application has been filed and of the possible impact they will incur.
- Through phone or electronic means, it will be decided whether to approve the event with just the application or convene a committee based on the size of the event, impact on infrastructure, and location.
- If the event is large enough or has the potential to be a burden on the county’s public service agencies, a committee will be formed to address the concerns and decide whether or not to approve the event. The committee will be made up of one person from each of the affected jurisdiction, but will not be limited to, the following; County Government, City Government, Police Agencies, Fire Agencies, EMS Agencies, Health Department, DNR, etc.. The meeting will be open to the public and public input will be welcomed. The event manager will also be invited to give an overview of the event and answer any questions the committee and public may have.
- At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee will decide whether to allow the event to proceed.
- If the committee allows the event to proceed the event manager will be given a “Promoter’s Checklist”. It must be filled out and returned to Emergency Management Office with any other forms, permits, licenses, etc. attached.
- When the Emergency Management Office receives the “Promoter’s Checklist” they will review to insure it is completed and call for another meeting of the committee.
- The committee then, based on the information provided in the “Promoter’s Checklist”, will vote to except or reject the special event application.